This research work is based on the impact of conflict management on employees' in the public sector using P.H.C.N as a case study. The objectives of the research work is to identify the causes and consequences of conflicts, and also examine that effective conflict management can bring about harmonious and peaceful co-existence among various interest groups in the work place with particular reference to P.HC.N. The methodology adopted in this study was survey research design. The primary and secondary data were used, such as text book, journal and questionnaire. The various tools that were used are statistic distribution method of table percentage and Chi-square to test for the hypothesis. The findings revealed that conflict in an organization can affect the employee's performance either positively or negatively. The recommendation for this study was that it is important for their management in the P.H.C.N to sponsor a detailed research into the cause of both junior and management staff should always be given motivational incentives in order to carry out their duties as expected of them.